You started a business because you had a great idea and the skill and desire for implementation. No matter how successful your business becomes, there is always one component that looms in the background, bookkeeping. Bookkeeping is an integral part of your business and allows you to track how your business is performing throughout the year. However, bookkeeping is usually the last thing you want to do after a long hard day. A couple of days go by, maybe a week, and the last thing you wanted to do at the end of the day now requires hours, possibly days, to catch up.
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We Organize Small Businesses.
The team at Gleason Tax Advisory organizes your finances as little or as much as you need. We ensure your books are up to date so your business grows. With all that extra time, you can spend it on your business or enjoy quality time with family and friends. We tailor our convenient and affordable options to your particular needs. Whether you’re a hands-on business owner or one that hands over all your receipts in a box, our goal is to tighten up your bookkeeping. Either way, you will have a clear and concise picture of your business at the end of the month. Contact Gleason Tax Advisory to learn how we can help you get organized and keep your books current. Please call 716-720-5339.
Bookkeeping Services
- Reconciliation: Income Statements and regular performance reports
- Organization of receipts and tracking of all expenses and income.
- Cloud Accounting Software: Quickbooks, XERO, Freshbooks, or Square
- We’ll make sure your invoices, POS and processors are running smoothly
- Expense Management: Store your receipts online for tax time
- Online Payroll Services
- Online Document Management