Nonitemizers can claim a deduction
The CARES Act makes two significant changes to the rules governing charitable deductions for individuals.
Individuals will be able to claim a $300 above-the-line deduction for cash contributions made to public charities in 2020. This rule effectively allows a limited charitable deduction to any taxpayer claiming the standard deduction. For this deduction, married taxpayers who file a joint return are considered one taxpayer and are limited to $300.
For individuals, the limitation on charitable deductions that is generally 60% of modified adjusted gross income (the contribution base) doesn’t apply to cash contributions made to public charities in 2020. Instead, an individual’s qualifying contributions, reduced by other contributions, can be as much as 100% of the contribution base. No connection between the contributions and COVID-19 is required.
Note: This higher limit does not apply to donations to private foundations or donor-advised funds.